
Monday, November 30, 2009

Voices from The Kitchen

It was a Sunday night.... PREMIER LEAGUE. Chelsea Vs Arsenal. At that time, I was watching football with my bRo in my living hall. Well, I have never thought of encounter anything non-related to GOAL! But, there was something and it caught me in fear when the football match just began 40 ++ minutes.

I was lying down on the sofa as if I was dead because I was very tired after a long day. Suddenly, I heard plates' sounds coming from the kitchen as if there was somebody hitting on the plates. At that very second, I could feel the chill through my nerves. My bRo was upstairs taking a shower and he told me to keep an eye on the match. And so, my 2nd elder bRo was going to come down any minute soon so I thought everytime would be fine then and so I will tell him about this later. But suddenly, a lady's voice came to me and frightened me out. The speed of the sound coming to my ears was like 60 km/h?... around 37 miles/ hour. Without a second thought, I shouted for help because I couldn't help controlling my emotion at that very terrifying situation.

As I have expected, my bRo came to me and told me to calm down. And so, nothing unusual has happened after that. It was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. But since I have had this experience and I am a Christian, I think it wouldn't fear me no more in future.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

Woman and Kid on TV

Despite the tittle, it isn't as cute and as lovely as what you think it is. It's not like watching "The Simpsons" in the middle of the night. Okay, here is how my story goes....

My brother is the victim who told me about this experience that he had before. You see, my brother is a *Night Alive* guy, which also shows that he likes to sleep late at night. But he is a lucky guy as he seldom meet the outside (PARANORMAL) world. Although he is lucky, it doesn't mean that he wouldn't have the experience. Okay, let's call my brother Jacky.

One midnight (around 12 am to 1 am), Jacky was bored and he couldn't sleep, so he decided to call the day off by watching the TV. And so, once he sat down on the sofa, he turned on the TV. And guess what he saw? He saw a Woman and a kid reflected from the TV looking at him. Jacky was stunned as a stone and so as his emotions. He wasn't sure about what he saw but he told me that he still could remember the figures. However on that night, he still stayed up late and watched the TV.


The Shadow

Restrooms/toilets/washrooms is a place where everyone thinks that it's the ghosts' favorite place. But why do we have that thought? Everyone goes to washroom to do their business everyday! This is the answer, I know it is silly but I think my theory is right. There are many urban legend stories about restrooms/toilets/washrooms. Okay, here is how my story goes....

As usual, everyday at night around 11:00 p.m to 12:00 a.m, Before sleep, I would go to the washroom to brush my teeth and call the day off. But sometimes, I would have sense that somebody is staring at me.

Some people told to me that it's because of my position, angle of mirror and reflection which affect the occurrence of paranormal. The washroom's mirror is reflected to the kitchen which gives the effect of a shadow. For example, I would see and feel somebody from the kitchen staring at me from the mirror which is reflected to the kitchen. But, maybe it's a sign from the other world.... Who knows? Only GOD knows!


Thursday, November 12, 2009

White Figure On The Spot

Picture credits to (-)

Speaking of White Figures eh? I remember there was one evening when I encountered one. That evening was not just like any other ordinary evening because this time it was slightly different (something happened). I was reading a Top Gear car magazine, lying down on my bed facing out of the door. As I flip through some pages of the magazine, I was whispering to myself about cars. Just at that moment when I stop whispering to myself, I saw a white figure floating pass by me through the hallway. "What the hell!" came on to my thoughts when I first saw it floating in front of my eyes.

As such, I was so curious about it so I went to the living hall to find the figure. But, there was no sign of the figure as if it has never exist in the first place. Am I just dumb or what? Why did I even went out to search for something that doesn't even exist? But that experience was truly terrifying. In fact, it totally freaked me out! But we wouldn't have to worry so much because they are harmless to us. Wait, just before you finish reading, imagine something floating in front of your eyes, what will you feel?


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wicked Fan

I still remember that afternoon. It was around 2 p.m and everyone was out. Well, this means that I am the only 1 at home. At that time, I was 5 years old and I've had no idea about anything at all. Why this post is called Wicked Fan? Is it because it is broken or something?

Unfortunately, my fan wasn't broken at all. My house has 2 floors. At that time, I was playing toy cars upstairs on the 2nd floor. There was an old red leather sofa situated in the middle and I was playing my toy cars on that sofa. The direction from my position to my ex-room is just nice. This means that I could see my room when I was playing.

Nothing unusual happened until I saw something on the fan. There was a red cloth on the fan and the fan was moving. I wondered why there was a red cloth on the fan because there shouldn't have anything on the fan. But in just 3 seconds, the cloth disappeared. I felt my goose-bumps when I am writing this post because this was so real that I couldn't imagine even further.

Imagine, a red cloth on a fan turning round and round like an optical illusion and disappear after 3 secs. It wouldn't be a really nice experience if you think about it again. Until now, I still wonder why there was a red cloth on the fan.


Karak Highway Urban Legend

Credits to alam57 for the picture

Once upon a time, there was this lovely couple travelling late at night on the Karak Highway in a car. It was raining heavily at that time. Therefore, the husband decided to drive carefully. But after a few kilometers, a petrol tank sign on the car's dashboard display came on indicating that the car has no more fuel. Without the fuel, the car wouldn't budge. Therefore, they decided to pull over to the side of the highway.

Without a second thought, the husband called for car towing service. But, they said it might take them quite some time to reach them since it was raining. Therefore, the husband decided to walk to the petrol station to get some fuel. Before he went off, he told the wife to lock the doors and not to get out of the car until he comes back.

After some hours, there are still no signs of the husband. And so, the wife started to worry. Suddenly, she heard a loud bang on the top of the car. But, she didn't got down the car to inspect/check what happened because her husband told her to stay in the car until he comes back.

After a few minutes, the wife terrified as she saw policemen shouting behind their car. And so, she winded down the window and communicated with the policemen. The policemen told her to get out of the vehicle as quick as possible and not to look back when she walks out. At last, she did as she was told, she walked to the policemen. But before she reaches the policemen, she looks back.

What she saw is a big giant figure crashing her husband's body. She was so terrified that she collapsed..... The next day, the policemen informed her that they could only find the husband's head but no signs of the body.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Waking from The Dead

"The 4th Year Particular Night"

When I was just four years old, I encountered something paranormal. As usual, I was sleeping with my mom in a master bedroom. But on that particular night, something unusual happened to me. It was a cold, dark, and windy night. During that night, I was struggling to get to sleep. But usually, when I get on a bed, I would be sleeping soundly after that. I just don't know why I couldn't sleep well that night.

"Ting Tong". A loud ringing sound alerted everyone. It was my aunt, she came to visit my parents. But it was late at night around 12:30 a.m and so I wondered why she was so late. My mom told me to get some sleep while she entertains my aunt. Well, I was 4 years old and I had no idea what is paranormal, ghost, etc so I just continued to sleep.

On that particular night, I could feel that the breeze coming in to my room from the outside through the windows. Darkness fell upon me and I couldn't see a single thing at all. In fact, I was surrounded by a square box and so I couldn't feel my existence.

Suddenly, I felt somebody was trying to press on me. I felt like I was taken away by a turning circle like an illusion. My whole body was being absorbed into a circle into an empty box. I was standing on nothing at all. Everything was white and there's nothing at all. When I say nothing, I meant "NOTHING" at all. I've had no idea where was I and what should I do. The feeling of loneliness and emptiness is the worst thing you could ever come across with. My mind was totally blank.

But suddenly, I was awake again. From nowhere I could be found, I was back again lying on my bed, looking at a dark shadow (lady) lying on the ceiling. "I must be dead this time", that's what I have thought at the moment I was looking at this figure. "BANG!" and there I was, morning. Yes, it's morning. And that was the first time I have ever encountered something paranormal. If you feel free to say something, please do not hesitate to comment.
