Restrooms/toilets/washrooms is a place where everyone thinks that it's the ghosts' favorite place. But why do we have that thought? Everyone goes to washroom to do their business everyday! This is the answer, I know it is silly but I think my theory is right. There are many urban legend stories about restrooms/toilets/washrooms. Okay, here is how my story goes....
As usual, everyday at night around 11:00 p.m to 12:00 a.m, Before sleep, I would go to the washroom to brush my teeth and call the day off. But sometimes, I would have sense that somebody is staring at me.
Some people told to me that it's because of my position, angle of mirror and reflection which affect the occurrence of paranormal. The washroom's mirror is reflected to the kitchen which gives the effect of a shadow. For example, I would see and feel somebody from the kitchen staring at me from the mirror which is reflected to the kitchen. But, maybe it's a sign from the other world.... Who knows? Only GOD knows!