I was lying down on the sofa as if I was dead because I was very tired after a long day. Suddenly, I heard plates' sounds coming from the kitchen as if there was somebody hitting on the plates. At that very second, I could feel the chill through my nerves. My bRo was upstairs taking a shower and he told me to keep an eye on the match. And so, my 2nd elder bRo was going to come down any minute soon so I thought everytime would be fine then and so I will tell him about this later. But suddenly, a lady's voice came to me and frightened me out. The speed of the sound coming to my ears was like 60 km/h?... around 37 miles/ hour. Without a second thought, I shouted for help because I couldn't help controlling my emotion at that very terrifying situation.
As I have expected, my bRo came to me and told me to calm down. And so, nothing unusual has happened after that. It was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. But since I have had this experience and I am a Christian, I think it wouldn't fear me no more in future.